
Create task for prescription errors


When prescriptions encounter errors, for any number of reasons including pharmacy software, ensure that prescribers are aware and can take next actions by assigning them a task for the patient.

Canvas Medical
Last modified
November 20, 2023

Clinical notes

In the Canvas UI prescription errors are displayed on the command that generated the prescription (Prescribe, Refill, and more). However, sometimes staff may miss this message if the error is delayed in coming back, which can occur when the system sending the error such as Surescripts or pharmacy software has latency. In these cases, the user may move on before seeing the error message. This protocol mitigates risk associated with prescriptions falling through the cracks by creating a task for the prescriber to address the error. If prescribes have already identified and solved the issue, they can simply mark the task as done. In order to use this protocol, make sure to update the "instance name" to your instance. You will also need to create a FHIR oauth application that has scope to access the MedicationRequest read endpoint. Once you have created that oauth application, add the ID to "protocol settings" in admin as CLIENT_ID, and add the password to "protocol settings" as CLIENT_SECRET.

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Protocol code
