Canvas Medical is thrilled to congratulate the Brewer Digital team on winning the Canvas Medical FHIR API Prize and producing the first-ever cross-platform, FHIR-based, mobile patient app. Check out the repo on GitHub! star it, clone it, fork it, and contribute if you can.

Our Chief Product Officer JP Patil and CEO/Founder Andrew Hines hopped on a Zoom with the Brewer Digital team to get their guided tour of the app and talk a bit about where they want to see the community take it. 

The app demo starts at about 1:15 in the video. There's a lot still to build, but as of now, the app is:

  • Cross platform, supporting iOS, Android, and mobile web
  • Built with React Native using the Expo framework
  • Capable of patient-side scheduling, messaging, payments, medical records, and more
  • Free and open source software under the Apache-2.0 license
  • Ready for your customizations and contributions

You might wonder: Why did Canvas run this $55,000 competition based on an open standard (FHIR) and then open source the code? Two reasons: 

  • all patient apps should be connected with the EMR used by the patient's care team
  • no care delivery company should have to build that from scratch or risk getting locked into a proprietary API from their EMR

The app is now available open source under the Apache-2.0 license. Clone it, fork it, and contribute if you can. Or, contact us to talk about integrating the app with one of our Canvas Enterprise plans.